Convert Your Generator to LPG/CNG Gas and Enjoy Massive Savings with Gasgen Technologies

Welcome back, everyone! In today's blog post, we will explore the installation process of a dual fuel carburetor on the AI Power 4500 watt generator. By converting your generator to run on LPG/CNG gas, you can experience significant cost savings. Gasgen Technologies provides an efficient solution for this conversion, allowing you to power your generator using alternative fuels. Let's dive into the step-by-step guide on how to install the dual fuel carburetor.

Step 1: Preparing for the Installation To begin, ensure that the generator's fuel is turned off. Remove the air box assembly and disconnect the hoses and gaskets connected to it. If the generator is new, you can reuse the existing gaskets; otherwise, Gasgen Technologies provides new gaskets with the dual fuel carburetor.

Step 2: Removing the Original Carburetor Disconnect the fuel line and carefully remove the carburetor. Take note of any additional gaskets present and decide whether they need replacement based on their condition. The new dual fuel carburetor should align with the original one.

Step 3: Adapting the Carburetor for Installation One key factor in this conversion is removing screws and the motor from the bracket to separate the diaphragm. This allows for easier manipulation of the carburetor during installation without making any modifications to the framework or hoses.

Step 4: Installing the Dual Fuel Carburetor With careful manipulation, insert the dual fuel carburetor into the generator. Ensure that the linkage and spring are reconnected before pushing the carburetor back into place. Reattach the screws that were removed earlier to secure the carburetor firmly.

Gasgen Technology

Step 5: Finalizing the Installation Install the original choke lever or the one provided with the new carburetor, depending on their compatibility. Replace the gasket if necessary. Reconnect the fuel line, and if desired, keep the generator in the "off" position to avoid using any additional gasoline.

Conclusion: Congratulations! You have successfully converted your generator to run on LPG/CNG gas using Gasgen Technologies' dual fuel carburetor. With this conversion, your generator now becomes a tri-fuel unit, offering the flexibility to use gasoline, LPG, or CNG. This not only provides significant cost savings but also contributes to a cleaner and more sustainable energy solution.

If you're considering converting your generator to alternative fuels, we highly recommend Gasgen Technologies' dual fuel carburetor. The installation process, as demonstrated in this blog post, is straightforward and can be easily followed. Start enjoying the benefits of reduced fuel costs while minimizing your environmental footprint.

Remember to stay cool out there, and thank you for reading this blog post. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out. Until next time, happy powering with your newly converted generator!


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